Yemen Youth revolution shock the ground under Saleh's government at the time Mubarak's regime came to an end in Egypt. Shortly after, Gulf Cooperation Council (GCC), lead by Saudi Arabia, proposed initiative to end Yemen's crisis. Even though it was in favor of President Saleh and the ruling party, General People's Congress (GPC), the opposition (JMP) agreed to it and signed it.
What about the Youth demands? In reality, Youth demands are legit but I doubt they'll be met under any peaceful agreement. President Saleh succeeded in manipulating the truth, coming up with various excuses such as AQAP among other things. I have to say, he did well on misleading the International Community, specifically the United States.
My message to the Youth "Do not wait for any foreign assistance/rescue!". We must take matters into our own hands. Yes, we have many challenges and differences but it's time to put differences aside and prioritize our work. The longer we wait, the harder it gets! Let us all put our hands together and give our revolution the boost needed to bring down the corrupt regime!
Many of us know that the government of Saudi Arabia has influence on Yemen government as well as some tribe leaders. Having stability and civil state in Yemen is considered great danger to the Kingdom next door! So our neighbor, the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia (KSA), will do everything they can to insure, the person to rule Yemen is puppet to them, not necessarily President Saleh.
I was against those who used to critisize the government of KSA but I was wrong. For some reason, I thought they were helping Yemenis but turns out they're helping no one but themselves. I won't get into the details about the Yemeni tribe leaders who receive compensation for their loyalty from the government of KSA. Bottom line is, Yemenis as a whole must stand together in this critical time of Yemen's history to face the challenges ahead of us. Let's face it, if Southern Yemenis, Houthis, etc. each demand dependent state, we'll NOT win over the existing regime. I still don't understand what part of that many people don't understand!
So, it's time to put our grievance behind and look ahead for brighter future. Let us not think about oneself but Yemen as a whole!
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